Demain Chevalier Pushe
DEMIAN CHEVALIER PUSHE (Demi)born at the kennel Junior World Winner 2011 and Best Junior at WDS in Paris Candidate at CH Switzerland and Interchampion. Dysplasia - HD-B, ED-0 All teeth, bite - undershot 02-03cm |
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Demian's parents:
Father: Odysseus R.J. Osanna (Ikar Chevalier Osanna x Viva Des Gardes do Closs Masure)
The most titled Ca de Bou in the World!
Centennary Champion, Interchampion, 3хWorld Winner, 2хEurope Winner, Junior Europe Winner, 2хEurasia Winner
Champion: SPAIN, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Slovenian, Slovakian, Eesti, Lithuania, Romaine, Russia, Phillipines, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Belarus, Moldova
Dysplasia - HD - A, ED - 0
Mother: Tornados-P'eros De-La Syutadela (Grem x Epifania Favola Dinverna)
Veteran World Winner 2014, Champion of National Club of Breed, CH Russia, CH Belarus, CH Slovenian, JCH Russia
X-ray on dysplasia HD-C